Please refer to ‣ reference guide for more detailed information on this particular area of the operating system.

Starting up with Music Business OS

Importing your copy of Music Business OS

Once you’ve gained access to the page in Notion simply duplicate the desired version of the template and let it copy to your workspace. Once duplicated, make sure to move it to whichever location on your workspace makes the most sense.


At the homepage level you will see four buttons in the first row. These buttons are programmed to interact with specific databases inside the homepage view that are ultimately integrated within the areas submenu.

Right below these four buttons you will see a table view for the Business Task Manager. This is the database where you can create, modify, assign, decline and complete tasks for your team or yourself.


The areas submenu is a recurring theme inside the OS. The areas submenu is built and tailored to specific sections of the OS.

At the homepage level you have the following areas available

Music Business OS [Areas]

Music Production Studio [Areas]